

Routine Antenatal Visits

Prenatal visits

8-10 weeks
12-13 weeks
18-20 weeks
28-38 weeks

Please contact the office as soon as you know of your pregnancy as most hospitals require early bookings to confirm your booking.

Prenatal visit:

Your general health will be discussed as well as checking your immunity to Rubella. Also discussed is folic acid.

8-10 weeks

Review of your medical history and discussion of routine tests. An ultrasound is offered to confirm gestation.

Non-invasive blood tests are done at 10 weeks for the Down syndrome screening which includes the following:

  • Full blood examination
  • Hepatitis B
  • Rubella
  • Syphilis
  • HIV
  • Blood group and antibody screen
  • Parvovirus lgG
  • Down syndrome screening blood tests
  • Midstream urine for microscopy and culture

12-13 weeks

  • At this visit the results of your routine blood tests and ultrasound for Down syndrome screening are discussed.

18-20 weeks

  • Review of your 18-20 ultrasound

24 weeks

  • Routine visit

28 weeks

  • Results of the Glucose Challenge test are discussed and if indicated, Anti-D is administered.

31 weeks

  • Routine visit

34 weeks

  • If indicated a repeat of Anti-D is administered.

36 weeks

  • Routine visit with the option of an ultrasound to confirm your baby is coming ‘head first”.

38 weeks

  • Routine visit. Then weekly visits until delivery with discussion on induction of labour.